SSBet77 Privacy Policy: Secure Casino Gaming

SSBet77’s privacy policy is tailored to ensure that players will be able to enjoy safe and secure gaming experiences as they play securely through our platform. We take customer data privacy and security seriously and have set up measures to keep all data inputted in the platform secure.

Privacy Policy

A serious approach to customer privacy is essential for legitimate platforms like SSBet77 since many platforms today are operated by bad actors like scammers and cybercriminals. These platforms function as sites meant to gather customer and banking information to steal funds.

SSBet77 Privacy Policy: The Data that SSBet77 Collects

Data that SSBet77 collects

SSBet77 collects different data and securely stores them in our platform for as long as necessary to ensure that the platform can keep track of which players are in the platform. This helps SSBet77 continue to encourage players to play in the platform and to keep banned players from returning.

  • Username
  • Full Name
  • User Password
  • Mobile Number
  • Email Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Payment Information
  • GCASH Account
  • Bank Details
  • IP Address

These are collected to complete the registration process and verify the player’s identity. This is necessary to ensure that the player has not registered multiple accounts under their name or different pseudo-identities to take advantage of the platform’s bonuses and promotions. Any offending accounts can and will be suspended when caught violating the platform’s terms and conditions and any future accounts detected to be owned by the same person will be subsequently suspended.

All this data is stored securely so that the platform can cross-reference the data and immediately flag any new accounts created with similar credentials and IP address. Sharing this data is prohibited and access to it is strictly restricted and monitored to prevent any data leaks from within through unauthorized data disclosures to third parties.

SSBet77 Privacy Policy: How SSBet77 Uses Customer Data

As mentioned above, SSBet77 only uses customer data for the account registration and verification process to be able to keep track of which players are registered within the platform and keep any duplicate accounts from being made. Additionally, the platform uses the data to coordinate with any relevant financial institutions to ensure that players can have seamless transactions while also being able to keep spot any potentially suspicious activities that may or may not violate SSBet77 terms and conditions.

How SSBet77 uses customer data

SSBet77 uses customer data to complete their respective registrations and verification processes, safeguard any set up withdrawal methods against bad actors seeking to steal real money, and verify the user’s identity. Under no circumstances will the platform disclose the data to any third parties unless requested by relevant law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies.

SSBet77 Privacy Policy: How SSBet77 Protects User Data

SSBet77 protects customer data using strong data encryption and firewalls set up to secure the platform. In addition to these measures, SSBet77 has strict internal guidelines and role-based access restrictions to ensure that only authorized employees recognized for trustworthiness will have access to these data and that no bad actor will have access to them.

How SSBet77 protects user data

All relevant data will be retained and archived in the platform for a set period of time as dictated by relevant regulations. Certain accounts will have their information stored longer to ensure that any blacklisted players will no longer be able to participate in the platform.

Should data breaches occur in the platform, SSBet77 will promptly warn all users, affected or otherwise, regarding the breach and ask them to change their login credentials. This is meant to notify users to stay vigilant and secure their casino accounts and any other account that use the same login credentials for their other accounts, including their main emails, social media accounts, and more.


SSBet77 is committed to ensuring that all customer data registered in the platform are secure and that no bad actors will have access to them under normal circumstances. SSBet77 retains customer data in the platform to ensure that all players in the platform are non-minors and that no banned individuals will have access to the casino.